Resampling flowers is a double approach to lower an image resolution without losing or transforming the absolute color information of each pixel.
The original image of a flower of 2360×2360 pixels is divided in a 5×5 blocks.
In “resampling/space” the pixels of each zone (472×472) are randomized within the zone and reprinted.
In “resampling/time” a LED device of 5×5 pixels reproduces the pixels, changing one random pixel each second, selected from its corresponding block.
The 2 versions space and time come together a diptych.
The resampling/space version also keeps a print of the original image on the back.
The original photos have been taken in my family garden by my father Andrea Brianza and my sister Cecilia Brianza.
The flowers are: Primula vulgaris, Narcissus, Tropaeolum majus, Cichorium intybus, Hibiscus, Taraxacum officinale, Primula vulgaris.

Exhibition: Resampling flowers
Date: March 13th – March 18th 2016
Location: Frankfurter Westend Galerie – Arndtstraße 12, Frankfurt am Main – Germany